Welcome to the Anglo-American Reptile Research Laboratory
We are the Anglo-American Reptile Research Laboratory at Eckerd College, FL, USA. To improve the welfare of captive herptiles, we focus on how the captive environment can influence animal behavior and cognition.
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All our research conducted is in line with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Eckerd College. Previous work still being published was in line with UUK Concordat to support Research Integrity at the University of Lincoln, UK. All our work receives ethical approval prior to conducting.
We are excited to announce that the Anglo-American Reptile Research Lab is now listed on SchoolandCollegeListings. This is a leading online directory for educational institutions that provides the opportunity to explore our extensive research, dedicated founder and lab members, and to find out how we are working to help better the welfare of captive herptiles.
To discover more and help support us please visit https://www.schoolandcollegelistings.com/US/St.Petersburg/377530212110086/Anglo-American-Reptile-Research-Laboratory